The standards are:
- People receive a prompt response to their contact with a GP practice via phone.
- Practices have the appropriate phone systems in place to support the needs of people, avoiding the need to call back multiple times and will check that they are handling calls in this way.
- People receive bilingual information on local and emergency services when contacting the practice.
- People are able to access information on how to get help and advice.
- People receive the right care at the right time in a joined up way which is based on their needs.
- People can use a range of options to contact their GP practice.
- The practice understands the needs of people within their practice and use this information to anticipate the demand on its services.
Dyma’r Safonau:
- Mae unigolion yn derbyn ymateb prydlon pan fyddant wedi cysylltu â phractis meddyg teulu dros y ffôn.
- Mae gan bractisau y systemau ffôn priodol ar waith i gefnogi anghenion unigolion sy’n golygu nad oes angen ffonio nôl sawl gwaith a byddant yn sicrhau eu bod yn ymateb i alwadau fel hyn.
- Mae unigolion yn cael gwybodaeth ddwyieithog am wasanaethau lleol a brys pan fyddant yn cysylltu â phractis.
- Mae unigolion yn gallu cael gwybodaeth am sut i gael help a chyngor.
- Mae unigolion yn cael y gofal cywir ar yr amser priodol mewn ffordd gyd gysylltiedig ar sail eu hanghenion.
- Mae unigolion yn gallu elwa ar amrywiol opsiynau i gysylltu â’u practis meddyg teulu.
- Mae unigolion yn gallu anfon e-bost at bractis yn gofyn am ymgynghoriad nad yw’n frys neu’n gofyn iddynt eu ffonio nôl.
- Mae practisau’n deall anghenion unigolion yn eu practis ac yn defnyddio’r wybodaeth hon i ragweld y galw fydd am eu gwasanaethau.